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Creating an Email Campaign

The email campaign creation process from start to finish.

Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Head to Marketing -> Email Campaigns & Select Create Email.

Step 2: Select a Template

Here you can select between basic pre-laid out templates, any templates you have already made, past email campaigns you have sent, or the option to code your own via HTML.

Step 3: Design the Email

Learn more about our drag & drop modules here.
Before moving forward to configure and review, on this page be sure to send yourself a preview via email to:

  • Confirm links are not broken and land on the right destination. Links that lead to difficult to navigate landing pages or are invalid will negatively your CTR an may cause subscribers to unsubscribe.

  • Make the content short & sweet. You have a few seconds to capture the attention of your subscriber, so make sure you aren't including too much text for the user to sift through. We recommend the 80/20 rule: 80% imagery, 20% text.

  • Use CTAs. Make sure you are using the button module to include CTAs (call-to-action). Strong CTAs used effectively will help with overall engagement in your campaign.

  • Don't forget! All email campaigns require the [[unsubscribe]] and [[store_address]] tags in order to be CAN-SPAM compliant. Remember to add these tags to the footer of your campaign or your email will not send.

Step 4: Configure

  • Campaign Name: This is completely internal - we recommend you using a naming convention - like Topic - and discounts provided - intended list - Planned month/year send date. For example: "Summer Sale-20% Off-VIP-Aug2023"

  • From Email Address: If you’ve already verified your from email address, it will pull in automatically. Please note if you change this email address, you'll need to verify the new address before you can send this campaign.

  • Campaign Type: Select Standard or Multivariate. Multivariate is only available in select subscription tiers, but gives your store the ability to test certain variables within an email and automatically send the best performing email to your customers. Multivariate is only recommend if you 5,000 subscribers or more.

  • From Name: This is typically your store's name or something the shopper would recognize in their inbox

  • Email Subject: For Email Subject line, this needs to be clear and shorter the better. This needs to convince them to open the email to learn more about the details of the message.

  • Pre-Header: This is the text that just appears as a preview of what is to come in the email. Gives you a chance to include a more in depth description.

  • Default Customer Name: This is how you will greet your recipient using the [[customer_first_name]] dynamic tag in your email. The Default Customer name is what we will use if we don't have the subscriber's first name. Valued Customer, Shopper, Shoe Lover if you're a shoe store etc. all work great here!

  • Recipients: Select the email list to send to or create a dynamic list. To learn more about Email Lists or Dynamic Lists, head here.

Step 5: Review

The final step is the Review Step. Depending on the size of your subscriber list, your recipient count may take a few moments to load.

If you see any red Xs under the CAN-SPAM Checklist, there are compliance elements that need your attention. You will want to ensure the From Email you inputted on the Configure page has been verified, that the footer of the email includes the [[store_address]] & [[unsubscribe]] dynamic tag.

You must use the dynamic tags rather than typing your physical store address out. If needed, we have a content block you can drag into the footer to place this there.

If you see any red Xs under the URL Validation sections, that means within the email there is URL is not formatted correctly. To correct, head back into the Design page and review the piece of content that is hyperlinked incorrectly.

Step 6: Send or Schedule Your Email

The final step is to send your email! You can choose to send immediately or schedule your campaign for the future. If you select schedule, it will be scheduled at the time you select in the timezone you have in store settings.

Congrats! You Have just sent your Springbot Email Campaign!


Edit or Cancel Scheduled Campaign:

If you need to cancel or edit a scheduled email campaign, you'll need to Cancel your campaign, make your edits and then reschedule your campaign.

Duplicate a Campaign:

Have you created a campaign you really like? You can duplicate it on the Campaign Dashboard and use again!

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