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SMS Guidelines & Policies

In this article you will learn about the requirements for Springbot's SMS feature.

Updated over a week ago

In this article you will learn about the requirements for Springbot's SMS feature.

Our SMS feature is a toll-free number provided via API through our partner, Twilio, and in order to send messages, you must:

  1. Complete our verification form that requires: Business Address, Active Store URL, Frequency Plan, Use Case Summary (approved use cases), Message Content, Opt-In Message, and Support Phone number.

  2. If in US & Canada, ensure not part of Forbidden Use Cases/Categories:

    1. High-risk financial services, Third-party lead generation services and marketing, Debt collection or forgiveness, “Get rich quick” schemes, Illegal substances/articles, Prescription drugs, Gambling, and "S.H.A.F.T." use cases and electronic smoking devices. Learn more here.

    2. If outside US/Canada, see how it works in your country here.

  3. Obtain clear opt-in from your recipients before sending them messages.

  4. Provide easy ways for your users to opt-out of messages.

  5. Maintain a very low opt-out (STOP reply) rate from your recipients.

  6. Use shortened, branded URLs for the highest deliverability levels when sending links in the message body. Do not use shared URL shorteners as these are forbidden by US carriers and will result in filtering.

Notice: Any use cases that violate Springbot/Twilio's Acceptable Use Policy or Messaging Policy are also not allowed on to use SMS, regardless of number/sender type or destination country.

A reminder, that SMS is an add-on feature, so we recommend that before adding to your monthly subscription to familiarize yourself with the set up and verification process.

Downgrading/Removing SMS or SMS Number Capture?

  1. Export List: Remember to export your SMS subscriber list by going to Audience -> SMS Keywords -> Export List.

  2. Remove any messaging in Sign Up Forms or Automations because the opt-in option will no longer work.

When you do either downgrade to Freemium or Starter, the access to SMS reporting, subscriber lists & ability to capture new subscribers, and the phone number itself will be cancelled.

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