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Activate Pop Up Form

Activate your pop up sign up form on your website to collect new subscribers and trigger your welcome automation to send.

Updated over a week ago

From the main dashboard, click Audience in the left navigation bar and select Sign Up Forms from the menu. Click Create Signup Form in the upper right-hand corner.

Configure Page

The Configure page will prompt you to:

  • Enter a name for your Sign Up Form

  • Type: Select Pop Up

  • Select which email list(s) you’d like new subscribers to land in. This will default to Pop Up List. We recommend also adding these subscribers to your all-subscribers list if you'd like them to get your regularly scheduled emails.

  • Appearance: You can edit the timing delay & transition style of your pop up

  • Success: You can edit the timing delay & transition style of the success message that appears when someone successfully subscribes

  • Pages: Your pop-up will automatically appear on your store URL homepage. If you'd like the pop-up included or excluded from additional pages, please add them here.

  • Click Next to proceed to the Design Content page

Template Page

Select a Basic or Inspirations template to begin your design.

Content Page

With our drag and drop editor, you can further customize your pop-up design.

Adding/Changing an Image

  • To change the image in your popup, double click the image placeholder and choose an image to upload.

  • to add an image, drag the image module to the form and drop where you'd like the image to appear.

Email Input Form

All templates will have an email input field by default. Click the field you would like to edit and then click up the upward arrow to select the entire element.

Under Component Settings, you can edit the label and placeholder text.

Collecting SMS Subscribers

If you have SMS enabled on your account, you can collect phone numbers on your pop-up by dragging in the phone module. Be sure you've already created your SMS Keyword as you'll be required to select a keyword in Component Settings! Users will be sent a confirmation text to confirm their subscription to your keyword.

Collecting Additional Subscriber Attributes

The Select form provides drop-down options for the user to submit when inputting a form. This is a great option if you'd like to collect specific interests to build a segment later. For example, if you're a jewelry store you can ask users if they are interested in earrings, rings, or necklaces and build segments off of that information later by assigning an Attribute Name in component settings.

Editing Your Mobile Pop Up

To edit the mobile version of your pop-up sign-up form, click on the phone icon in the left corner of the editor. This will show you the banner that will appear when a shopper is on your site. When the shopper clicks on the Subscribe button, they will then see the full version of your desktop pop up on their screen. You are able to edit the banner color, text, and button color in the same way you would edit the desktop version!

Success Page

Once you’ve designed your form, you’ll be prompted to design your Success Page. This is an opportunity to thank your new subscriber for signing up, share a promo code if you’re offering an incentive, or remind SMS subscribers to confirm their subscription if you're using the phone module to collect SMS subscribers.

Want to show your Coupon Code right away to shoppers so that they dont have to wait for an email or jump away from your store's page? Show it on the success page by adding a text box like this:

Review Page

Once you’ve designed the Popup and the Success Page, you’ll be ready to deploy your sign-up form! Before doing so, you should always preview using Preview and Mobile Preview. If everything looks good, click Activate on the Review Page and we will remotely launch the popup on your site!

Editing Pop-Up Once Activated

To edit your pop-up once it is activated, you will have to deactivate it to make any changes to configuration and design. Hover your mouse over the play icon and click. Confirm that you would like to deactivate the pop-up and then click on the edit button on the pop-up to make any changes.

Frequency of Pop Up

Our form is based on cookies, so if someone has visited the site and seen your form, they should not see it again until that cookie expires or every 30 days. Cookies are often deleted or prevented from being tracked so that is usually the reason for someone seeing the form twice. This is something that is un-editable and is SEO recommended.

Cookies also don't transfer between devices or browsers, so if they are using multiple they will likely see the form twice. Because of this, it's also possible for someone who has signed up in the past to receive the form twice, however, our system will only send them an email if they are not a current subscriber.

Once your pop-up is activated, make sure that you edit and turn on your welcome automation so subscribers receive your welcome email!

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