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Using Tags in Springbot

Using tags in Springbot to track performance of various marketing campaigns.

Updated over a week ago

A Springbot Tag is an internal tag that allows you to track the performance of your various marketing campaigns. They are a great way to keep yourself more organized in Springbot and group similar actions together.

For example, let's say you are having a huge Cyber Monday sale and are promoting it across several different marketing channels (like Email Campaigns, Facebook posts, Blog posts, and Online Ads). You can then group all these actions together under a Tag so that you can more easily see the combined performance of the campaign as a whole.

Where Can I Find My Tags?

All of your Tags can be found by going to Performace on the left navigation and then clicking Tags.

On the top right of this page you will be able to Create Tag and also adjust the date range of data you're looking at. We will only show data attributed to each tag during the time frame you're looking at when using the date range selector.

How Do I View My Tags Performance?

You can see the overall total on your Tags page, but you can then click the title of the tag to see additional reporting.

Under Orders you will also be able to see the purchases attributed to this tag and can see the customer's name, email address and the items they purchased.

How Do I Apply A Tag to One of My Actions?

You can apply to any kind of action in Springbot, and the easiest way to see all of your actions is to go to your Action History.

To apply a Tag to an action, you'll need to select the action title. On the next page, you will click Edit in the top right corner. You'll then see a pop-up where you can apply the tag, and even add notes to the action to remind you what it was for. You can also rename the title of an action here as well. Once you're done, click Save.

Where and Why Would I Use Tags?

Tags can be used in a variety of instances, so this really depends on your store and team workflow.

Grouping Actions Together for a Campaign - Tags are most commonly used to group similar actions together for a large sale or promotional campaign you might be running. Since you're likely promoting this across many different marketing channels, Tags allow you to bundle up these different actions and view their combined performance as a whole. This will help you understand how well your entire campaign performed for your store.

Tracking Performance of Influencers You Partner With - Tags are also great to use if you are frequently partnering with different influencers or bloggers who are promoting your store for you. As an example, you might be providing these partners with a Trackable Link back to your website. You can apply a tag to any link you create that is given to this partner, and apply their unique tag to it (Blogger A for example). Then you'll be able to easily identify how much revenue Blogger A drives to your site (and if they are driving more than Blogger B or other partners you have).

Managing External Links - If you frequently use our Trackable Links for things like YouTube videos, AdWords Ads, Pinterest Posts, or other external sources, Tags will help you group all these similar actions together.

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